Ziggy Marley – Ziggy Marley
Ziggy Marley, the son of Bob Marley, released his self-titled album solo album. Like father like son, Ziggy Marley speaks his mind. I was not around 50 years ago, but I imagine Bob Marley’s anthems were not only monumental in terms of musicality but also in message. Ziggy Marley’s message seems to be more palatable and pop-centered. Still, the subject manner does not deviate too much from popular reggae; thoughts on injustice, unity, heaven, and marijuana.
Ziggy Marley the album is modern feeling reggae. Some of the tracks feature a faster more dancey rhythm and the melodies are very close to pop R&B. There are some soul horn parts and super cleaned up instrumentation.
“We Are More,” is the best song because there are lyrics, but the majority of the song is “we are more” over and over. It is a very simple song.
Ministry of Echology – Wanderer
Throwback to dub and dancehall, Wanderer is a superior reggae album. The name of the band is reason enough, but the music is excellent. Simplicity is key in much of music. Repetitive, run-on melodies, extended two chord structure, fat, heavy bass, and clean upstrokes on guitar build every track.
Subject manner is subjective and open. Beat is contagious.
Errol Blackwood – Cooling Down The Rage
Both Cooling Down the Rage and Wanderer came out early in the year. Errol Blackwood is significantly more interested in his message. Once again, simple beats and instrumentation make a good reggae album.
There is a significant amount of material on this album. The title track feels like the longest song probably because it is too repetitive feeling and title tracks belong on track six. The other fifteen tracks contrast repetition by offering different music and prose on struggle and common man woes.
Like Ziggy Marley, Cooling Down the Rage features throwback to 50’s R&B with light modern flair
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